Thursday 27 June 2013

eBooks vs Paperback & Hardcover

Technology is on a forward thrust and rightly so. And although people can be resistant to change, change will come. There are things in life that should not change but our understanding of those unchangeable things may be what changes.

Technology has made it easier to access information at our fingertips with the added feature of speed. To be able to hold an entire library of books in the palm of your hand is not only incredible, but has huge financial benefits. Lets say a building used as a public library may cost many millions of naira. A mobile device such as a phone, tablet or a laptop carrying about the same amount of books in the form of eBooks may cost between N32,000 and N111,000. Any organisation that has financial responsibilities should examine the savings accrued. Those savings include the elimination of logistics and warehouse storage cost. It is also reasonable to preserve trees that are used to make paper which is one of our vital natural resources. All of us have a responsibility to protect our natural resources whether we are consumers or manufacturers of technology. Colleges and schools would save a tremendous amount of money as well as students. Considering that the cost of books in college is one of its most expensive items.

For the recreational reader, eBooks are usually cheaper than the paperback or hardcover books. They do not get damaged by the weather or by movement.  An eBook allows the reader increase the size of the text without using reading glasses or a magnifying glass. Publishers round the world are now bringing in more revenue from ebooks than paperback and hardcover books.

If you are an author and you tried to have a 600 page book printed and bound; depending on how many copies you have produced and whether it is a paperback or hardcover, the cost could range between N2,000 to N5,000 per copy without any profits. The older generation most likely would prefer the paperback and hardcover editions of a novel or nonfiction book. But things are changing making it more convenient for the reader and the author.

Fynom represents the future of publishing. The world is going digital and Nigeria as well as Africa would not be left out. We are presenting authors and readers a platform where they can buy and sell eBooks regardless of their location. We are the authors bridge to the world. We connect authors directly to their audience. We bring the world to readers as we take advantage of digital publishing.
More to come from this space.
BBM: 220CFC16

1 comment:

  1. Sounds Nice. Makes sense. And to think we can carry hundreds of books around everyday in just one device is mind-blowing!!!
    Way to go, Fynom!!!
